Wednesday, February 12, 2020

ODFL - A new future for TEVET colleges!

It is encouraging to see a number of technical and vocational training colleges now offering training through distance learning (DL) or what is now commonly referred to as open distance and flexible learning (ODFL). The trend can result into increased accessibility to education. Distance learning can, actually should, also lead to affordable education. The important question to ask regarding the unprecedented participation of different colleges in offering DL is this:

What really is the drive (motive or inspiration) of the many TEVET colleges starting to offer distance learning? Do colleges have a value proposition for  ODFL services they offer? Is the desire to offer quality-training at the heart of the trend or it's only a frenzy of trying out a venture that promises to be a money-spinner?
In the coming weeks I wish to demonstrate that any ODFL strategic plan whose only focus is to increase revenue, without offering any proper value to the customer (the student), will soon or later fail. I also wish to share insights on critical success factors an institution has to be aware of if it intends to start offering Open Distance and Flexible Learning. 

It is my desire for Distance Learning in Zambia's TEVET sector to grow but through adherence to rigorous quality assurance processes. On this blog I propose a model that should be used for monitoring, evaluating, and assuring quality in ODFL service delivery.