Sunday, March 15, 2020

e-Learning 'Vaccine' for Institutions of Learning

The Novel Corona Virus is slowing wheels of the economy everywhere around the world. The educational sector will be among the worst affected as schools are getting ordered to close. Private learning institutions are likely to be the most affected: just how will they financially sustain themselves if this pandemic prolongs? But should a college, university or school sit idle and hope for the soon arrival of the vaccine from the medical fraternity? No, I have news for you: there is an e-learning 'vaccine' that can immunise your organisation from halting operations!

There are now a number of colleges and universities in Zambia which are making good use of Learning Management Systems. A number of them are using the free (open source) Moodle platform. Moodle is widely used around the world by many organisations and universities to provide e-learning. It is a robust and extensive system that enables lecturers to effectively and remotely engage with their learners. Apart from uploading notes and assignments, a teacher or lecturer can design online tests which students can attempt from anywhere they are as long as they have an Internet enabled device such as a phone, laptop or tablet. What is interesting is that although the Moodle platform is being used by about 60% of higher learning institutions around the world, it still remains unknown by many colleges in Zambia. What is more, the platform is open source and can be downloaded for free!

It is important to be aware that ICTs are no longer luxury tools; they are business survival tools! But more importantly, they promote a greener and healthier Earth. When doing my work as a lecturer  I don't print notes for students. I use a Learning Management System to manage all my training activities. By doing that I am using less paper. Paper comes from trees and so, by using e-learning facilities, you and I would save trees from getting cut down for paper extraction. The more trees remain standing, the healthier our environments will be.The Ministry of Higher Education in Zambia should  work together with the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)  to work on policies to compel all training institutions to implement e-learning facilities. 

If you are a college or university in Zambia, I am available to help you  - FOR FREE - to quickly set up an e-learning facility. All you will need is Internet access! To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. An ancient Hebrew writing put it this way - "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty" (Proverbs 22:3, NIV ).We can all help fight COVID-19 in our simple humble ways.


  1. Hi Andy. Thanks for the post. This is very timely. Indeed preparedness is of absolute importance. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. We need to keep this conversation going and act sooner than later!

    1. Thank you Gabriel, We surely need to keep the conversation going!

  2. This is indeed timely i hope many institutions of learning can adopt it.

    1. Hi Jesse, we surely are hopeful that the current problem of the pandemic may leap-frog is into how we ought to use ICTs to support education.

  3. This is the way to go.we at TVTC are embracing this technology. We may not be there yet but strides have been made

    1. TVTC is quiet ahead on this, compared to many colleges in the country.That is good!

  4. learning online is helping us students especially in this period of COVID 19 pandemic because we are learning from home at our own pace meaning you can study from anywhere at anytime. the other thing is learning online helps to save money and time.

  5. learning online is helping us students especially in this period of COVID 19 pandemic because we are learning from home at our own pace meaning you can study from anywhere at anytime. the other thing is learning online helps to save money and time. Florence Kafula
